Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Exchange

Seed of the Day: Greet someone with a smile, kind word, handshake, hug, or other warm greeting today.

Hello and Happy New Year from the Project Grow 365 Inc., Team! Our format is changing a little so stay tuned to the upcoming posts to get you involved more frequently. If you'd like to subscribe to our blog, we always enjoy making new friends! Come on in and make yourself right at home. Take a look around the site and see some of our other seed ideas; you'll also find in our Spotlight section other organizations that we have chosen to highlight for you to connect with. If you'd like to stay in touch with our project, feel free to subscribe to our blog in the "You've Got Mail!" section by entering your e-mail. As our promise to you, we won't send you any spam mail or junk mail, only updates to our operation. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Please feel free to contact us at oneseed365@gmail.com if you have any questions about Project Grow 365, Inc. As always, thanks for helping us change the world, one seed at a time.

-The Project Grow 365 Inc., Team

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