Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sealed In

Seed of the Week:  Collect canned goods and other food items to donate to a local food bank.

Good morning world, it's Tuesday! We apologize for not getting a seed idea of the week out to you yesterday; it's been quite a hectic holiday season! Thank you so much for joining us again and helping the good news of our project here spread. We could not make as large of a difference without you!

If this is your first time to the site, welcome! We love making new friends and meeting new people, so take some time and look around our site. The Spotlight section contains organizations that we have highlighted for their awesome work in the community, and our "You've Got Mail!" section is where you can enter your e-mail address so that you can stay subscribed to our blog. We promise no spam or junk mail...only the latest and greatest updates! Welcome aboard!
The canned foods in this picture all have something in common. They all contain products which are of good use while inside the can. Their usage and longevity will remain constant while sealed inside their respective cans. Colorful labels adorn their outsides and provide helpful information about what nutritional value is inside. Quite a novel invention!

However, each of these cans have something else in common. They all have expiration dates, which means no matter how well packaged or colorful their outsides are, the contents all have a date at which they are no longer useful for anyone.

We don't want your gifts and talents to be like the contents in the expired cans. We want you to open up and share with others, especially during this holiday season. A good number of people will wake up to empty cabinets, hungry stomachs, and downtrodden situations. We must do our part to help.

For this week's seed idea, we'd like you to collect canned food items and donate them to a local food bank, shelter, or other food collection center. Help spread love during this holiday season to those who are not as fortunate as others to be anticipating a good meal. By this, we unseal the contents of ourselves and spread our goodness to others. Don't let your kindness expire.

Thank you for helping us change the world, one seed at a time.

-The Project Grow 365, Inc. Team

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Gift of Love

Seed of the Week:  Find a local toy drive to donate to, or find an opportunity to visit a senior center during the holidays.

Good morning world, it's another Monday! We trust you had a great week last week, and are in more of the holiday spirit than ever before. With all of the busyness of the season, the days can go flying by! We want you to know though, that the Project Grow 365 Inc., Team has not forgot about you and are preparing some great things ahead for 2015. Stay tuned for more exciting times!

If this is your first time to the site, welcome! Anyone who has visited us before can tell you how much we love making new friends. Since we started back in October, we have made quite a few! The good news is you're right on time to join in on the fun. Take some time and check out the site, see some of our other seed ideas and organizations we have put in our Spotlight, and drop us a line at oneseed365@gmail.com, or tweet us at @OneSeed365. If you'd like to keep up with what's going on, feel free to subscribe to our site in the "You've Got Mail!" section of the website. Come on in!
 Such a warming sight, to see presents under a well lit, decorated Christmas tree. No doubt the buyers of these well wrapped gifts took some time in deciding what to give the special recipient of these items. Images of families gathering together on Christmas morning to exchange gifts and share laughs are quite common across the globe this time of year.

What if you had nothing to look forward to on Christmas morning? What if Christmas was just another reminder to you, that you felt unloved during holidays that should bring about more joyful sentiments? This is the reality that some people will face this holiday season. Many children who are in disadvantaged situations will not feel the same warmth as many of us who enjoy our presents that morning. There are also many in our senior community who have no family to come visit them, or have not spoken with them in ages. This can be a tough time of year to deal with.

For our seed idea this week, we'd like you to find a local toy drive to donate to, or find an opportunity to visit a senior center in your area and spend some time with them. You never know how much of a difference your act of kindness will mean to someone who had not experienced any in a long time. Sure, there are many things you can buy this holiday season to show someone you care. The greatest give we can ever give this season and every day, is love.

Thank you for helping us change the world, one seed at a time.

- The Project Grow 365 Inc., Team

Monday, December 1, 2014

Forest Fires

Seed of the Week:  Get started on an idea, project, craft, business idea, or positive life change that  you've been putting off.

Good morning world, it's Monday! We trust that you had a great Thanksgiving holiday last week and enjoyed spending time with family, friends, loved ones, and even strangers! Truly there is much to be thankful for, and with one month to go in the year we realize that time is flying by.

If this is your first time to the site, welcome! We're so glad that you decided to stop by and join us. We love making new friends, so feel free to take a look around the site, check out some of our other seed ideas and organizations we have put in our Spotlight, and drop us a line at oneseed365@gmail.com. You can also find us on Twitter at @OneSeed365. Looking forward to hearing from you!
You remember that really great idea you had? The one that you wrote down and started planning for? The one you were SUPER excited about and texted your friends a.m. about how this was going to change the world? Well recently, we received a letter from that great idea. It misses you and wants to come home again!

Too often our great ideas end up with procrastination as their destination. We begin projects and either life gets in the way, or our passions are subdued because other things demand our attention at the time. Don't get me wrong, things will come up from time to time that require us to shift our priorities in another direction. We just don't want you to forget about those things inside you that need to be shared with the world.

While resolutions are great, they still have the feeling of "unfinished business" about them until they are accomplished. Instead, try declaring what you will do. Declarations carry with them a more permanent, lasting sentiment. Could you imagine if it were the Resolution of Independence instead of the Declaration of Independence? Let this be the spark that sets your determination ablaze, like how a single spark can turn into a forest fire (however, we are hoping for much less destructive outcomes).

Get started today! And as always, thanks for helping us change the world, one seed at a time.

- The Project Grow 365, Inc. Team